Algarve Golden Rentals

Castro Marim

We hope this page about Castro Marim in Algarve Region is useful for our Holiday rentals seekers.

The Christian reconquest in 1242 was followed, in the second half of the 13th century, by a policy of repopulation and reinforcing local defences in view of the town’s strategic position on the border with the kingdom of Castile and attacks by
Moorish raiders, from North Africa. This explains why the king D. Dinis (1261-1325) made Castro Marim the headquarters of the Order of Christ, which had been established in 1319 to replace the order of the Knights Templar.

Years later, however, the Order of Christ was transferred to Tomar, and this marked the beginning of a period of waning fortunes for the town and its surrounding area, which saw its population decline. To reverse this pattern, in 1421 the king D. João I granted Castro Marim the privilege of being a “sanctuary for fugitives” – a place of shelter for refugees and wanted men with the aim of attracting new lifeblood. The town retained this privilege almost until the end of the 18th century.

Cut off from the sea, with an economy based for centuries on fishing, salt production, agriculture and boat-building, the municipality of Castro Marim entered a long perio d of stagnation, relieved only by the growing dynamism of recent decades.

Hotels in Castro Marim

Some suggestions near Castro Marim